Top 30 Internet Start-ups
Real Business published on "Thursday, 30th August 2007"

I stumbled across this fascinating article today.
The top 30 includes and so somehow I think that their content management system isn't getting the date of the article quite correct. Anyone care to guess the correct date?
Seriously, it makes interesting reading if you want to compare the original .com bubble to the web2.0 situation today. I don't think you'd be left with the impression that there was too much in common?
A more interesting comparison for me was in the IT suite of my kids (primary) school, the end wall had been peppered with around 25 Web2.0 services that they were suggesting the children might like to use for entertainment or for coursework. Interestingly very few of these were actually targeting children, no doubt many are putting out a free product with a view to building paying customers later. The most sobering thing was how few of these services I'd actually come across!